Category Archives: Politics

Karens unite

These Republicans are all about hate. They went from playing to the Christian Right to playing to Trump’s base. You can just hear the Karens revving their engines for the next school board meeting.

Free Brittney

Free Brittney

Help save Brittney Griner

Help WBNA Brittney Griner get released from a Russian prison. Her crimes? She had cannabis oil in her luggage and, oh, she’s gay. Russia (like 1/2 of the US) are very anti-LGBTQ.


A Weak Man

Dear Leader called Putin a genius, as Russia attacks a democratic country. Weak men love what they believe to be strong men, and Putin is an autocrat. Of course Dear Leader, who desperately tried to cling to power and who set in motion an insurrection to help him subvert the will of the people, is a weak man who wants nothing less than to be an autocrat himself. It only makes sense that he’s stroking Putin’s ego. If Dear Leader were president, he’d already have loaned out the Army Rangers, the Navy Seals, and the Marine Corps to Russia. God’s Chosen One.

January 6

April 12, 1861
December 8, 1941
September 11, 2001
January 6, 2021
These are the dates that traitors or bullies or cowards or homegrown terrorists attacked our country. (Thank you, VP Harris for reminding me of some of those dates.)
President Biden, you inspired me today.
While I worry about what the guy who LOST the election & his followers will do in the future, I have no doubt that this administration will take the appropriate steps to counter them.
Our democratic republic must live on – and they don’t want it to.
So they whine about masks, scream that the election was stolen (with ZERO proof), argue about Critical Race Theory (which will be in every public school in a generation’s time, if not sooner), roar about Black Lives Matter, scream about their assault rifles, vilify the LGBTQ community, put down the Me Too movement, and claim that their religion is under attack (which is weird, since their behavior is decidedly NOT Christian; also odd because almost everyone I know is a Christian). True political debate is dead. It’s all about Trump’s ego and some clown (or clowns) named Q
Thank you again, President Biden, for reminding me that we must never forget January 6. We must learn from it and make sure it NEVER can happen again.


This is an awesome win for all of us…

Slow-Moving Coup

I’m trying to limit (or eliminate) my political posts. It’s generally not worth it. But this article motivated me to post.