the 50 in 52 Project continues!…I’ve finished Wonder Boys…next up: Charming Billy by Alice McDermott

The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge continues!

I’ve just finished the 44th book, Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon…only 6 more books to go! (For a cool quote from the book, go my blog.)

Next up: Charming Billy by Alice McDermott (1997)

This is book #45 (of 50)—days remaining: 70


The 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge is a fundraiser for (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network). I challenged myself to read 50 books in 1 year (6/1/18 to 6/1/19). I’m asking folks to sponsor me by pledging a $ amount per book I read. Sponsors don’t have to pay anything until after the Challenge finishes (6/1/19).

To sponsor me, click HERE. For more info and a list of the 50 books, go to the posting pinned to the top of the official 50 in 52 Facebook page.

NEW! NEW! Instead of sponsoring me, you could make a ONE TIME donation to the official 50 in 52 Project Reading Challenge fundraising page on RAINN’s web site by going HERE.

Click HERE for all the 50 in 52 Project blog posts.

Thank you!

Twitter: @50_in_52Project
Instagram: 50_in_52_Project
RAINN on Twitter: @RAINN



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